

I have been wanting to do a topical study on thanksgiving, and so I would first like to ask a question...Does anyone know of a good book designed to expose the topic of thanksgiving and gratitude in the Bible? Besides the Bible? I always grapple with study guides because in one sense I feel they are lazy. In another sense, I want to humble myself and learn from whatever means of grace the Lord provides. So, there's my two cents about that.

Now, why is this post titled "Wisdom"? Because, it is a much easier topical study in the Bible. Hello Proverbs! Anyway, I have just finished the chapter on Wisdom as an attribute of God in the book "Knowing God" (see earlier post). More than anything, it made me hungry for the Word of God, and in particular, the Old Testament. Suprising? It was to me. I mean, I like the OT, but it can be more challenging to stay with a study of, say, I Chronicles than to study the book of James. You know? But wisdom is found in both places, and I would say the "fear of the Lord" variety of wisdom is easier to come by in the OT. At least, that's my current opinion. I am open to teaching and discussion there as well. I suppose that's all for now.

1 comment:

a suburban housewife said...

I don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for, but try Treasuring God in our Traditions by Noel Piper. It is such a great book. I would loan it to you, but I gave it away to a friend.