
Thank God for John Piper!

I was just heartily zinged by this article, which comes from John Piper's website, Desiring God Ministries. Specifically, I thought about this morning when Tabitha (my three year old) was trying to ask me something related to where she would sit at breakfast, and I interrrupted her several times and forcefully gave my predetermined answer. Now, I knew something wasn't quite "godly" about what I was doing, but would not have been able to pinpoint it so well as Piper outlined in this brief article. I am gratefully convicted, in particular of my own arrogance, rudeness, and lack of thoughtful concern for my daughter's words and their value. I want to teach her patience, kindness, and that words do have value and meaning, as well as the thoughts behind them. By squelching her questions (and trust me, this morning was not the first time!) I am not teaching her any of those things, and by my own example I am damaging her thoughts as to the value of her words, and the value of lis-ten-ing
(as I so often question whether she is listening to me).

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