
Personal Reflections on Prayer

I think it would be wise for me to limit my daily blogtime to about fifteen minutes. Thankfully, I have had the chance to sit and think both yesterday and today. I am still wrestling with the discipline of prayer. I am so amazed by the movement away from prayer that I find creeping into the church at large. One book that I read years ago called Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire really affected my heart toward prayer. Now, I am not talking about canned, Sunday School style praying for "unspoken" requests and your great aunt evelyn's neighbor's dog to be healed of corns. I am talking about heart wrenching realization of your utter need for God, and crying out from the deep places in your heart for His intervention, sustanence, and favor. I am talking about seeking His face and learning to ask Him to show you what to pray when you don't know. Believe me, God will answer that request. One thing in particular that I had never come to realize was that true prayer calls for humility. Now, I know this may not be rocket science to some, but walking backwards from why we pray to why we don't pray helped me to realize that I wasn't asking God because I didn't think I needed Him. I think I will have to close for now, but I am planning to write more later about this topic.

1 comment:

a suburban housewife said...

Boy are you in cyber-space trouble now!! Check out the "Blogs I read" section of my blog....